The Environmental Investment Fund (EIF) of Namibia is an environmental financing entity set up under the Environmental Investment Fund Act of 2001, with the express purpose of raising financial resources for direct investment in environmental protection and natural resource management activities and projects.
The EIF secured grant funding from the GCF - a unique global fund, established within the rubric of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), as a response to global climate change. The funding has been secured under GCF’s Enhanced Direct Access (EDA) modality. The envisaged project (CBNRM EDA Project, in short) essentially establishes “a pot of grant funding” exclusively earmarked for investment in Namibia’s community-based natural resources management (CBNRM) programme through communal area conservancies and community forests.
While recognizing the immense contributions the CBNRM program makes towards ecosystem conservation and rural development in the communal areas of Namibia, the envisaged project realizes that such successes are being threatened by climate change. For this reason, the proposed project seeks to capitalize on the strong institutional foundation of communal conservancies and community forests to deliver local-level climate actions and thereby increase resilience towards climate change. The project will run over five years.
The EIF, under this GCF funding, intends to establish a Project Management Unit (PMU) to oversee the implementation of the project. The PMU will comprise of four (4) contract staff members i.e. Project Manager, Grants Support Officer, Project Accountant and Monitoring & Evaluation/Environment & Social Safeguards Officer. These terms of references (ToRs) are for the Project Accountant.
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