EIF’s Zero Tolerance on Prohibited Practices

The Environmental Investment Fund of Namibia (EIF) has a zero tolerance for prohibited practices which include fraud, theft, bribery, misconduct, nepotism, corruption and any form of inappropriate, and unethical conduct. This applies to all of EIF staff members, third party suppliers, executing entities and counterparts collaborating with the EIF in its activities. Employees and representatives of the EIF are under obligation to, at all times, practice honesty and integrity in fulfilling their responsibilities and to comply with all applicable policies, laws and regulations.

The EIF put in place the Code of Business Conduct and Ethics (The Code) that outlines the Fund’s policy on zero tolerance on Prohibited Practices and explicitly specifies forms of practices, conduct and activities which are prohibited by the EIF. The Code further obliges all employees and persons acting on behalf of the EIF, to at all material times, uphold the highest standards of integrity and professionalism and to uphold the EIF’s core values, standards and principles. Demands for kickbacks, requests for 'loans', soliciting for gifts, requests for discounts, irregular payments to third parties, demands for payment for rapid processing of applications and insistence on contracting of/procuring from specific suppliers and contractors are all examples prohibited practices requiring whistle-blowing and punitive action. For EIF, reporting of possible suspected corruption and/or unethical behaviour is as an enabler for deterring unethical conduct, fostering high ethical standards and maintaining accountability and public confidence in the EIF, its operations and funded activities.

Conversely, the Code clarifies what is deemed acceptable business behaviour from a EIF employee and, thereby, seeks to ensure the EIF’s sustainable business. At the core of this Code are the values of:





Through its Accountability platform, the Fund seeks to encourage a culture of speaking out against wrongdoing and facilitates the redress of any grievances arising from staff members, stakeholders, operations and funded activities. This platform is an enabler for deterring unethical conduct. Reporting of suspected incidents of corruption and/or unethical behaviour is important for fostering high ethical standards and maintaining public confidence in the EIF and its operations while it also encouraging a culture of speaking out against any form of wrongdoing.

Through our Accountability platform, the fund seeks to encourage a culture of speaking out against wrongdoing and facilitates the redress of any grievances arising from our staff, operations and funded activities. This platform is an enabler for deterring unethical conduct. Reporting of possible corruption and/or unethical behaviour is important for fostering high ethical standards and maintaining public confidence in the EIF and its operations. Through this platform, the fund seeks to encourage a culture of speaking out against any form of wrongdoing.

REPORT IT, DON'T PARTICIPATE. Prohibited Practices Reports are investigated anonymously. Find out how to report Lodging Customer Complaints Guidelines

 Report theft, fraud, bribery, corruption, misconduct and nepotism anonymously

Environmental Investment Fund of Namibia is committed to ethical behaviour and integrity in all its transactions and operations. Our online Accountability platform provides a reporting channel for prohibited practices. The platform is confidential, operating 24-hours a day, 7 days per week and 365 days a year. E-mail a tip off to complaints@eif.org.na Call +264614317740 Website: www.eif.org.na

Statement on Financial Integrity and Accountability

Statement on Financial Integrity Statement on Financial Integrity