Grants-Making and Development Finance Expert
Risk Management Expert
The Review Committee ("RC") is a sub-committee of the Environmental Investment Fund of Namibia Board of Directors ("Board") established as perSection 10 of the Environmental Investment Act 13 of 2001 ("Act"). The Review Committee consists of seven (7) experts from multidisciplinary backgrounds. The RC is supported by a staff member from EIF (an Internal Auditor), who serve as secretariat to the committee.
The objectives of the RC is to review, investigate and inquire into any activities and processes by any person employed by the Environmental Investment Fund of Namibia ("EIF") in taking decision(s) and/or following procedure(s). In terms of Chapter 7 of the EIF's Operations Manual, the Chief Executive Officer of the EIF ("CEO") shall refer griviences made by members of the public (agrived) to the RC ("Referral(s)").
The Chairperson of the RC is a substantive member of the Board, as prescribed by the Act and as appointed by the Board, from time to time. In terms of the guidelines and composition of the Board of Directors, EIF Management level staff members may not serve on the RC. Any member of the RC who may have any interest cases are not involved in any way in the hearing leading to the review of applications.
The Board authorises the Review Committee to investigate any activity within its terms of reference;
a) To seek any relevant information, it requires from any member of staff and/or any relevant third parties, and all members of staff are required to cooperate with any reasonable request made by the RC;
b) To obtain guidance, if it considers it necessary, from the CEO or any other Senior EIF staff member or to obtain legal or other independent professional advice and, if it considers it necessary, to secure the advice or attendance of those with relevant experience; and
c) To investigate and inquire into any misconduct, mismanagement and maladministration by any person employed by the EIF.
The Review Committee is guided by a charter that stipulates the process and guidelines in convening its meetings, receipt of a referral, convening review hearing after receiving the Referral, reporting procedures, secretarial duties, and review adjudication procedures.
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