Director of ceremonies-
Honorable Erginus Endjala, Governor for Omusati Region
Honorable Councilor of Otamanzi Constituency: Honorable Johannes Iyambo;
Honorable Councilor of Okahao Constituency: Honorable Leonard Shikulo;
Traditional Authority
Chairperson of Sheya Shuushona Conservancy
Heads and staff members of the Ministry of Environment and Tourism
Staff members of the EIF,
Distinguished community members of Sheya Shuushona Conservancy and beneficiaries of this grant
Members of the media
Ladies and gentlemen
It gives me immense pleasure to be officiating the handover ceremony of yet another successfully implemented project under the CBNRM EDA’s Grants facility. It is a further testimony of the success of the global Enhanced Direct Access (EDA) funding modality.
The intervention witnessed today, is clear manifestation of local level empowerment and ownership as well as enterprise development through a joint venture by an off-take agreement with Namibia Exclusive Safari in Sheya Shuushona Conservancy. The project demonstrates the Conservancy’s unity, commitment and hard work and is a living-proof of local level transformation towards increasing resilience of these communities living in the CBNRM space conserving and protecting our precious environment.
Let me highlight that access to modern energy services is one of the indices for the level of national development, worldwide. In developing countries such as Namibia, there is still quite a significant percentage of the population, without access to energy service such as electricity. Let alone the use of green energy to curb emissions.
Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen,
I have seen and experienced the struggle and drudgery of most of our Community Based Organisations in the absence of basic energy service facilities. Most promising community based establishments especially those in very remote corners of the country usually close down as a result of high operations cost related to diesel cost.
I am therefore elated to inform you that the handover of the solar plant to the Sheya Shuushona Conservancy has come at an opportune time, a time when CBNRM communities are adopting to diversify livelihoods options in the face of severe climatic challenges.
I am grateful to note that this intervention with the involvement of the key stakeholders will serve to provide the much need income to the conservancy.
In complementing government efforts, I take pride in the Environmental Investment Fund of Namibia as they continue to contribute to the realization of the environment sector policy objectives by successfully securing multiple fundings from the Green Climate Fund (GCF) and other multilateral funding windows improving the livelihood of our community.
Director of Ceremonies, ladies and gentlemen;
The National Policy on Climate Change aims to contribute to the attainment of sustainable development in line with Namibia's Vision 2030, through strengthening of national capacities to reduce climate change risk and build resilience for any climate change induced shocks. The constitution serves as the enabler for policy making with respect to sustainable development through which the national policies are developed.
The Sheya Shuushona Conservancy solar plant project of 150 killowatts will greatly empower the conservancy in their contribution to the tourism business and enhancing renewable energy and energy efficiency targets. The project has so far benefited a total of 3551 people and created 17 jobs. The project further trained 10 Youths on solar plants operation, maintenance and administration.
It is worth noting that the increased use of renewable energy such as the solar plant being handed over today, will not only cushion us from the adverse effects of climate change but also act as a catalyst for enhancing social economic development in rural area. I have been assured that certain mechanisms have been put in place that will ensure that a revolving fund is established, which will support community projects and livelihood options in this conservncy.
Director of ceremonies,
To Sheya Shuushona Conservancy Management Committee, please ensure that there is sound financial accountability for the local revolving funds from this intervention to enhance continues benefit to the conservancy.
This project is a flagship intervention, nationally and internationally were we have Community Based Organization at the center stage of implementing projects of this magnitude . I therefore urge the Environmental Investment Fund of Namibia to exert efforts in mobilizing more financial resources for other regions so that they too can benefit from these wonderful interventions.
As I conclude, ladies and gentlemen, let us take cognizance of the fact that this EDA funding that EIF secured for Namibia is so far one of the first grants that the GCF has awarded under the EDA modality globally. It is therefore imperative that the CBNRM EDA project will continue to inspire and create the necessary attention that the world will be keen to learn from our successes story.
With these few words, I am proud to officially handover the solar plant to the Sheya Shuushona Conservancy.
I thank you!!