Okatjandja Kozomenje Conservancy, Okorosave Village, Friday 19 November - The Namibia Integrated Landscape Approach for Enhancing Livelihoods and Environmental Governance to Eradicate Poverty (NILALEG) Project today handed over ten (10) grants under three investment windows, namely crop and rangeland management, agroforestry and nature-based enterprise. The grants handed over have a combined monetary value of Six Million Eight Hundred and Twenty-Eight Thousand Seven Hundred and Thirty-Six Namibian Dollars Only (NAD 6,828, 736.51)
In his Welcoming Remarks, Governor of the Kunene Region, Hon. Marius Sheya, said “I am confident that, if the NILALEG project is successfully implemented, it will result in a consequent paradigm shift of our rural communities in the target landscapes, and subsequent positive project impacts for the region and other regions where it will be implemented”.
Introducing the overview of the NILALEG Project, was Mr Jonas Nghishidi-NILALEG Project Manager and he highlighted that the “project aims to promote an integrated landscape management approach in key agricultural and forest landscapes, reducing poverty through sustainable nature-based livelihoods, protecting biodiversity and restoring forests as carbon sinks, and promoting Land Degradation Neutrality”.
In delivering a statement on behalf of the Environmental Investment Fund of Namibia, Mr Benedict Libanda- Chief Executive Officer noted that “This project is unique in many ways. It firstly utilizes a landscape approach to addressing environmental and climate induced threats to Namibian livelihoods. This approach seeks to provide tools and concepts for managing land to achieve social, economic, and environmental objectives in areas where agriculture, forest management, and other productive land uses compete with environmental and biodiversity goals”.
Expressing delight at the handover ceremony was Ms. Anne Madzara, Interim UNDP Deputy Resident Representative who denoted “This project directly contributes to the Sustainable Development Goal Number 15, which deals with Life on Land. This goal seeks to take immediate and substantial steps to eliminate natural habitat destruction, stop biodiversity loss and, by 2023, protect and avoid the extinction of endangered species”.
Ms. Anne Madzara further noted that “Partnership must continue to be at the heart of our strategy. We should have the humility to acknowledge the essential role of other actors, while maintaining full awareness of our unique convening power." These grants being extended to communities today are therefore a clear demonstration of a strong commitment to partnerships that facilitate the voice and agency of local communities .. nothing without local communities for local communities, if we want to achieve sustainable growth and ecological integrity”.
Delivering the Keynote address was the Hon. Pohamba Shifeta, Minister of Environment, Forestry and Tourism, who highlighted that “It is Without a doubt that these grants will help enhance livelihoods of our people and assist in meeting the expected outputs of the Project through the reduction of poverty, protecting and restoring forests as carbon sinks, biodiversity conservation and promoting Land Degradation Neutrality”
Shifeta further added, “I am confident that we are on the right track towards improving the living standards of our people as a result of deliberate government interventions that put livelihoods at the centre of our development agenda and the overall attainment of the global commitment through the Sustainable Development Goals.
In delivering the closing remarks was the Executive Director of the Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism, Mr. Teofilus Nghitila, who reaffirmed that “As a Government, we continue to count on your usual support and appreciate the important role that you continue to play in disseminating information and ensuring that information reaches the intended recipients”.
Delivering the Vote of thanks was Hon. Hendrik Gaobaeb, the Chairperson of Kunene Regional Council who expressed appreciation for all those that toiled day and night to make the grant award ceremony possible and further indicated that” We are also indebted to our friends and partners, Officials of the Environmental Investment Fund of Namibia; Officials of the Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Land Reform; Officials of the Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism; Representatives from the House of Vital Royal House and the entire Community Based Natural Resource Management community for being resolute and responsive to the challenges we face in our bid to reverse environmental degradation and maximize sustainable nature-livelihoods in our rural landscapes”.
In summary, here are the key impacts of the NILALEG grant facility under this first call for proposals:
Total grants disbursed under each investment window:
- Agroforestry – NAD 1,239,447.80
- Crop/Rangeland Management – NAD 4,087,289.71
- Nature-based Enterprises – NAD 1,472,000.00
The aggregated number and value of grants per targeted landscape is as follows:
- Zambezi – 3 grants, valued at NAD 2,009,200.00
- Ruacana – 2 grants, valued at NAD 1,344,417.71
- Omaoipanga – 1 grant, valued at NAD 685,883.00
- Okongo – 4 grants, valued at NAD 2,789,235.80
The EIF has also recently issued a Second call for proposals on 10 September, which closed on 12 November 2021. Our grants management team is currently busy evaluating the submissions with the aim of awarding more beneficiaries.
The NILALEG project is funded by the Global Environmental Facility (GEF) through the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), to the tune of Ten Million, Eight Hundred Twenty-Three Thousand, Seven Hundred and Forty-Four US Dollars (US$ 10,823,744). The project aims to reverse environmental degradation and maximize sustainable livelihoods based on nature through integrated management of Namibia’s rural landscapes. The project aims to reverse environmental degradation and maximize sustainable livelihoods based on nature through an integrated management of Namibia’s rural landscapes.
The NILALEG Project Grant Facility highlights the Environmental Investment Fund of Namibia’s (EIF) and Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism (MEFT) commitment towards enhancing livelihoods and environmental governance through natural resource management. It further highlights the efforts made under multilateral agreements towards addressing Namibia’s development challenges.
For more information contact:
Environmental Investment Fund of Namibia (EIF)
Lot Ndamanomhata
Tel: +264 811601846/+264614317706
Email: LNdamanomhata@EIF.ORG.NA
About EIF
The Environmental Investment Fund is Namibia’s own response to the growing global need for green financing. Established in terms of the Environmental Investment Fund Act, Act 13 of 2001 with a mandate to raise funding for investments into projects and programmes that promote sustainable development it is currently one of the fastest growing green and climate financing institutions in Africa. As part of its vision to be “a recognized leader in the development and application of innovative financing mechanisms to support sustainable development and ensuring inclusive development for all the people of Namibia.
Amongst its recognizable impacts to date since inception, the Fund has disbursed grants valued at more than N$ 583 million, ensured that more than 240, 256 hectares of land are under conservation, 71 grants approved for different environmental projects, created more than 950 employment opportunities mostly rural based and include season ones and retrofitted 120 boreholes that benefitted more than 77 000 who now have access to portable drinking water and attracted N$ 820 million for concessional Green Credit Line with participating commercial bank from Agence Française de Développement (AFD) under the SUNREF project in Namibia. To-date attracted and mobilised more than N$1.7 billion mostly from multilateral and developmental funding institutions and partners.
For more information on the EIF visit: http://www.eif.org.na/
For more information on the NILALEG Project: https://nilaleg.eif.org.na