The Awards intend to recognize the importance of integrating sustainability into the core of business and industry as well as the daily lives of all Namibians. The Awards will further recognise and reward the contributions of outstanding individuals and institutions in the field of sustainable development and this year the awards target the private sector and SMEs, community level natural resource management and utilization initiatives, research and development, youth action for sustainable development, pioneering journalism in the field of sustainable development, green banks, school in action for sustainable development, women in action for sustainable development, thought leadership and the ministerial award. All individuals, organisations, businesses, companies and community groups are invited to submit applications within respective categories. Self-nominations and third-party nominations will be considered. Entries may be submitted for programmes or projects implemented during last 2 years starting January 2019.
In his welcoming remarks at the Launch, Mr. Benedict Libanda, the Chief Executive Officer noted that “ We are staging the third edition of the Sustainable Development Awards in partnership with the Sustainable Development Advisory Council. We therefore invite citizens nationwide to join us in the search of companies, local authorities, civil society organisations, youth, media practitioners, and individuals that have demonstrated and promoted sustainable and responsible development”.
Officiating at the lunch ceremony was Hon.Pohamba Shifeta, Minister of Environemt, Forestry and Tourism. In his virtual address the Minister unveiled the theme for this year’s award “Accelerating the green economy transformation as we recover from COVID-19.” He further noted that “We remain cognizant about the challenges bestowed by the COVID-19 pandemic, along with the devastating impact it has had on the Namibian economy but has simultaneously provided an opportunity for us to rethink the country’s approach to economic growth and socio-economic development”.
The Sustainable Development Awards was first held in 2015 and was based on a joint idea of the Sustainable Development Advisory Council and the Environmental Investment Fund of Namibia. It was planned to be hosted every two years and a subsequent second edition of the awards was held in 2017. The third edition of the awards was however delayed for a number of reasons but will now be held in May 2021.
In her closing reamrks Ms. Hallo Angala, a member of the Sustsinable Development Advisory Council highighted that “ The third edition of the awards will therefore recognize institutions and individuals in all spheres that have integrated environmental, social, economic, and management aspects of sustainable development into their businesses and operations”.
The 3rd SDA ceremony is made possible through esteemed sponsorship by Agricultural Bank of Namibia, First national Bank of Namibia, Namibia Wildlife Resorts and BDO Namibia who will serve as the official auditors of the awards.
The deadline for entries closes on Friday, 16 April 2021 at 13:00 PM. And hence all applicants are urged to submit their applications early as possible to avoid disappointment.
Please find link of the launch video https://youtu.be/cePd-9nI56o. For more information on the application process and categories please visit the EIF website, www.eif.org,na.
Attached is the detailed layout of the 3rd SDA 2021 categories. The winners in the respective categories will receive monetary and non-monetary awards.
The crowning ceremony of winners will take place on the 21st May 2021.
For more information please do not hesitate to contact us on at SDA2021@EIF.ORG.NA or at comms@EIF.ORG.NA.
Issued by: Communication & Corporate Services
Environmental Investment Fund of Namibia
The Environmental Investment Fund of Namibia remains committed to its mandate, which is serving our clients with distinction and upholding our mission of securing environmental sustainability of Namibia.